Mac Classic - almost dead
> > I turned on my Mac Classic today and found it was almost dead.
> Mono or Colour? If the latter, then you might be hearing the
> coil (which runs straight off the mains), so the PSU might not be
> starting at all.
> > because I can hear the smallest bit of CRT near-ultrasonic buzz --
> > for a second -- and then nothing. I'm hoping it's just a fuse --
> > ideas?
> If the fuse has blown, then there's a good reason for it (shorted
> semiconductors in the mains side of the PSU?). But check it anyway.
> Then see if any of the DC outputs from the PSU are pressent (check the
> +5V line at the power pins of just about any chip on the logic board,
> example). If not, then you've got a PSU problem. It doesn't sound like
> short on one of the outputs (this will normally make the PSU 'tweet'
> it starts up, detects the problem, and shuts down again). Maybe the
> startup resistor is open.
> -tony
Thanks, Tony. I'll check these out right after I check the PRAM
battery. It is Colo[u]r.
Received on Mon May 13 2002 - 23:37:35 BST
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