OK, I think I've stepped in it... (MICOM 2000)
Aarghh !! Actually its about the same size as a Commodore Pet. The 8"
Shugart FDD is about 4" high and the same size as the base. What might
possibly push up the weight is the Qume power supply for the printer. The
printer itself is the fastest daisy-wheel printer I've seen, tho a bit noisy,
and could likely be interfaced with other computers. The massive printer
supply could also be used with a homebrew adaptor for a variable power
Since NASA had it tied into their mainframes as a stand-alone workstation it
could likely be used as a terminal with the async card. Try it out before
passing on it and please let me know what docs, programs and cards it
with. Maybe we can work something out.
Give your S.O. some flowers and compliments (consider it a worthwhile
investment) and plead "It's just for a short while, Honey"
> I just got the UPS tracking info, this thing
> weighs 100 pounds!? I thought I was being
> gouged on the shipping, but now I see I wasn't.
> It just doesn't look that big in the pictures.
> Anyway, when these two crates show up on my
> doorstep, my wife is going to have a cow!
> Space is tight here and I've just managed to
> get my collection as it stands under control.
> So, I'm going to need to move this beast fast.
> Is there anyone in the Washington, DC area that
> wants to take it off my hands for what I have
> invested in it ($30 cost + $50 shipping)?
> Email quick, UPS says it arrives on Friday (11/1).
> Thanks,
> Bill
Received on Fri Nov 01 2002 - 17:40:05 GMT
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