I'm afraid the P4500 was as dead as could be, some vital parts missing and
plugs missing etc. Still, got some nice parts, that I will over here, like
a tape unit, 8" floppy drive and a "small" harddisk hehe ;)
At 17:56 4-11-2002 +0100, you wrote:
>My first PC was a Philips P3200,
> very heavy, equiped with a 286 processor working at 6MHz (!), a Miniscribe
>20MB HDD (5,25 FH) and a big power supply (720W). the 5V cable was screwed
>with a bolt on the mainboard :)
>It came with a Princeton - Monitor and an AST-3G EGA card .
>Unfortunately, I throw it away long time ago :( (but I built out most of the
> > I came across a site today which provided more information on this
> > critter,
> > and as Fritz had suggested, it is indeed a TurboDOS machine.. I have a
> > copy
> > of TurboDOS around, but I don't know if Philips used a custom version or ?
> >
> > Not to mention that I don't have a clue how I'd copy it, or even what
> > TurboDOS runs on. Here's the link I found to the info on the P3800:
> > http://www.digidome.nl/philips1.htm Also, the P4500 is a minicomputer of
> > some kind, apparently.. Not sure if this was one of the rebranded
> > Four/Phase
> > machines or not, but I wish I had one : )
> >
> > Will J
> >
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