--- Patrick Finnegan <pat_at_purdueriots.com> wrote:
> I managed to pick up a COMDYNA GP-6 analog computer a couple days ago out
> at University Salvage....
My one and only experierience with analog computing was a dedicated
device (no patch panel) that calculated energy reserves for the
planet. It had an LED counter for the year and numerous dials for
amount of driving, heating, electricity usage, etc. Physically,
it was about 3" thick and several feet square. I remember trying
out a variety of simulations on it when it was at the local science
museum, COSI, some summer between 1976 and 1980.
I would google for it if I had a keyword. Does this sound like
any sort of box anyone has heard of?
P.S. - somewhere on a tape, I have some energy-related apps from a PET
4016 that drive a bank of solid-state switches off the user port to
control 110V lights - they had a wall wired up with light bulbs, and
the PET app could cycle them in attract mode, or flip them on and off
as the app progressed. This comes from the same era, possibly the
same summer. I'll probably put it up on my retrocomputing page when
I run across that tape again.
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Received on Mon Nov 04 2002 - 16:43:00 GMT