From: Chris Craft <>
Date: Mon Nov 4 21:09:19 2002

  I am still interested, though it sounds like it'll cost me $100 < x < $175
to ship, (got a quote today for shipping on a 220lb printer from Chicago to
Steamboat Springs...) provided that Fortune smiles upon me.

Chris Craft

On Monday 04 November 2002 08:40, William Donzelli wrote:
> > I managed to get a hold of a couple more of the UYK-20 computers.
> > Several people on this list have asked for one, unfortunately I have more
> > requests than computers.
> Dice.
> > I MAY be able to use a
> > friends warehouse and strap them down to a pallet and wrap them with
> > stretch wrap.
> This is probably the only real option. Even with the battleship nature of
> these things, if just left as unprotected boxes, the shippers will
> certainly find that one weak spot. If you go the pallet route, mix some
> scrap cardbord with the shrinkwrap, and maybe some cardboard corners.
> > I don't have time/material/tools to make crates for them
> > but from the looks of them, they look like they'll survive anything.
> Too bad. I have more big wooden crates than the Pope.
> > They're located near Orlando Florida.
> I am still very interested. If others that have asked are located
> anywhere near Providence, New York, Chicago, and all points between, I
> could possibly act as a distributor. Once the big warehouse project I am
> in is completed (maybe 2 weeks), I have a Prime and a Stardent to move,
> but then could possibly pick them up or accept delivery and eventually
> get them to the new owners (provided they can wait).
> William Donzelli
Received on Mon Nov 04 2002 - 21:09:19 GMT

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