"Fred Cisin (XenoSoft)" wrote:
> > > My VT100 has what seems to be an add-in board that has RGB BNCs.
> > > I know so little about them that I don't even know whether those
> > > are intended to be input or output.
> >
> On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, Zane H. Healy wrote:
> > I'd recommend you both point your browsers at http://www.vt100.net/
> > as it has VT100 manuals and a couple of VT240 pocket guides.
> Thank you!
> That is a great resource. Unfortunately, it does not appear to have
> any mention of the expansion board, nor even of the tilt/swivel base
> that mine has.
It sounds as if you've got a VT100 with the VT1XX-CB graphics kit, which
converts it to full VT125 capability, including composite and RGB video
out, and video in connectors. The tilt and swivel base is VT1XX-SA --
I've never seen this! These factoids are from Chapter 5 of the Terminals
& Printers Handbook 1983:
Unfortunately, the second edition of the VT100 Technical Manual doesn't
cover the VT125, because it wasn't available until a year later. I think
the only VT125-specific manual I have is the Reference Card, but you can
try playing with ReGIS by using the VT240 Series Programmer Pocket
Guide, or the VT330 Graphics Programming manual.
I have just been sent the original DEC technical report on ReGIS, which
I'm very excited about. I'll put it online as soon as possible.
As for Emanuel's question about the VT240 expansion capability, I have
no idea, but I'm certainly going to have a dig around inside mine this
- Paul
Received on Tue Nov 05 2002 - 15:06:00 GMT