I'm curious enough to take a look at it if I see it on the bookstore
shelves, but I'd want to see it before making the commitment. If
the valuation data is based solely or primarily on eBay data and/or
hobbyist opinion, then it would be failing to acknowledge a serious
segment of the market, ie the commercial market in "out of production",
"end of life" computer components. If that sector's data is not represented,
then I would feel the data to be "skewed." Still, probably many good
pictures for identification purposes, and good technical data?
> That sounds like a comment from somebody who didn't get
> interviewed....
That is correct. Therefore I have no knowledge of it's content. Only questions.
At 05:37 PM 11/7/02 +0100, you wrote:
> > Is there a hobbyist discount? Something like $30.00 off the cover price
> > with FREE shipping!!!
>As soon as you find that source, I need to oderder some additional
> > Note: The above is purely satire. It looks like a pretty nice book, but I
> > wonder if your sources of information were truly comprehensive?
>Now, the book is realy well done. Except for a few typing error
>and the usual blinds most american authors show when it comes to
>acnowmedge a world beneeth their native coastline (*1) it's the
>best guide to classic microcomputers I have ever seen.
>It is quite easy to critisize a book and point out thing as 'wrong'
>just because one would do it different - just, I hat a hard time
>to do so. There where no realy 'wrongs', at most some disputable
>informations, and consindering the fact how much machines, pictures
>and informations are in there, I would have a hard time to do a better
>Job ... well, of course I could do better ... err ... it would just
>look like a mere second reworked edition.
>Like for example the Commodore section: Why is the 64GS never
>mentioned, or why is the Colt, only named in the text but not
>with data or a picture (I'm still not shure if the PC-1 and the
>Colt are realy the same units). Also a picture of a teachers
>C64, or mentioning the Teachers Pet is needed. Or Apple, for
>shure the IIe card for the LC PDS needs an entry, since it's
>the very last Apple II from Apple (*2). It also puzzles me why
>the Tano Dragon is not mentioned among the Tano section - the
>story would add a nice pice of CC-Trivia. Likewise if Ray Holds
>history of the birth of the Tandy Model 1 (and the huge royalities
>MS got for the Basic) could be read in the Tandy section :)
>I couldn't find hard technical errors in ther at maximum some
>facts that need to be rewriten. As an examlpe the Digital Group
>secion may be used. Listing the alternative CPUs as options is
>at least confuesing. It wasn't a Z80 system with optional other
>boards but raher a generic system where you could choose the CPU
>you liked. It looks like this misleading presentation is rather
>made up due the rigid structure of the technical data entries,
>and a proper leading text may point this out. In fact, as soon
>as a system leaves the mainstream, the data section tends to
>become either waste of space or not able to tell the true facts.
>More flexibility in here may be a good idea for future releases.
>My suggestion: go out and buy it.
>(*1) In fact, I should take this back, Michael took wothy effort
>to include a remarkable ammount of information about machines and
>the collecting situation outside Canada/US. I guess it was just
>in favour to avoide that the average reader may get a headach from
>to much information from outher space ...
>(*2) One of the few total new pices of information to me was that
>there where gray Bell & Howells.
>VCF Europa 4.0 am 03./04. Mai 2003 in Muenchen
Received on Thu Nov 07 2002 - 11:59:01 GMT