[OT] Licenses?

From: Fred N. van Kempen <Fred.van.Kempen_at_microwalt.nl>
Date: Thu Nov 7 17:26:00 2002

Hi All,

Although I am aware of the (VMS) Hobbyist License (which I still dont
have, GRRRRR) which provides licenses (PAKs) for VMS and its layered
thingies, I have a question regarding this.

Over time, I have accumulated a fair number of official DEC PAK's for
various of their software systems. Most of these were part of deals
where I got or bought some company's complete systems room inventory,
so, systems, periphs, media, manuals and licenses (lock, stock & barrel
is the expression, imsmr).

Now.. are these licenses still valid? I can't find any date expiration
and/or software version limitation info on the PAK sheets, so, would
assume they're still valid...

I'm asking, because I want to provide a login services to a VMS, Ultrix
and RSX host for some of my customers, to basically "host" their
application for them. Kinda ASP-ish, old style ;-)

Obviously, this would _not_ be for th Hobbyist License, soo.. licenses
needed. I can get a customer's RSX11MPlus license, because I will
terminate his machine (for him ;-) and move the contents over to mine.
The VMS and Ultrix licenses I already have, but, again, they don't have
my company's name on them.

Does anyone know?

Received on Thu Nov 07 2002 - 17:26:00 GMT

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