Interface Age Prime-Number Benchmark Program

From: Mike Noel <>
Date: Thu Nov 7 19:59:47 2002

I ran across this today, was wondering if anyone knows when it was
published, has a copy of the article, etc. I've been told there was a
listing that showed how long it took on various ALTAIR era systems. I've
peeked around the web abit without finding anything about it...

100 PRINT "Interface Age Prime-Number Benchmark Program"
110 FOR N=1 TO 1000
120 FOR K=2 TO 500
130 M=N/K
140 L=INT(M)
150 IF L=0 THEN 200
160 IF L=1 THEN 190
170 IF M>L THEN 190
180 IF M=L THEN 210
190 NEXT K
210 NEXT N
240 PRINT "Done"
250 END
Received on Thu Nov 07 2002 - 19:59:47 GMT

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