Brian Hechinger wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 04, 2002 at 10:03:38PM -0800, Ethan Dicks wrote:
> >
> > When I was a teenager, I dragged an empty H960 rack upstairs, by
> > myself, by standing in it (through the hole in the bottom) and hoisting
> > it up one stair at a time and repositioning my feet. Nearly ended
> > up at the bottom of the stairs twice.
> when i moved out of my last house, i had a DEC 6' rack in the second floor
> where the computer room was. when i moved out, my brother and i had to get it
> down the stairs.
> the plan was, that we were going to hump it down a step at a time. him at the
> top, and me at the bottom. after going down the first step, instead of stopping
> on the next step down, it kept going. it hit me so hard it threw me backwards
> (which is what kept it from sliding over me i think) and slid down the stairs
> with me in front of it backpeddling like mad. when i got to the bottom i was
> pinned to the wall with my butt stuck through the drywall and against the brick
> outter wall, and the rack resting against my knees with my one foot under it.
> i got REAL lucky, as i was not seriously injured. my foot was sore, as were my
> knees, but no damage. the worst i got were a pair of scars on the inside of
> each of my arms from the very sharp wire guide that is on the back of those
> racks at the bottom.
> adrenalin being what it is, the first words out of my mouth were, "Well, *that*
> didn't go as planned." ;)
> > I learned my lesson after that...
> so did i. i moved into a single floor house. ;)
> -brian
Sounds almost like what I ran into with an 5' tall IBM 9335 Disk Unit
rack, I got from a friends second floor apartment. 'Twas quite a bit too
heavy for the three of us to carry down the curved front stairs. The
back stairs, however, was a straight shot down, out the door onto the
I saw the chance of tragedy, so I just laid it down on it's smooth
side, hooked two straps to the top side, and held on while we pushed it
over the edge.
You ever see a small guy trying to plow a field with a really big bull
pulling the blade? I have an idea what that's like now...
---Dave Woyciesjes
---ICQ# 905818
Received on Fri Nov 08 2002 - 08:05:00 GMT