ENOUGH! was: Re: _Collectible Microcomputers_ now available for order from VCF

From: Rich Beaudry <r_beaudry_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Fri Nov 8 13:59:01 2002

>I apologize for failing to adequately trim the message that I appended
>mine to. The juxtaposition made an implication about Dick that should
>instead have been the option of each person to draw their own conclusion.


>It should be a cause for concern that after ubiquitously voicing unpopular
>opinions about every issue (such as that MICROS~1 products did "not have
>security holes"), that he would spam all with a virus and disappear
>without a trace.

Perhaps he left because he felt he was unwanted? After the responses to
your message, I would guess that he didn't exactly feel the love around

Certainly I didn't agree with him on every point, and his battles tended to
escalate pretty quickly, but he has never done anything to me personally,
and I can put politics aside. He and I have made several deals on the side
for parts, and he has provided me with some very good technical help and

I contacted him recently, and all is going quite well with him. He is
extremely busy with several projects, and he said he couldn't devote the
time necessary to be active on the list. Also, he gave a reasonable
explanation for the virus issue, and said that it had finally been cleared
from his PC. Although *he did not directly say this*, I think the virus
issue and the flamewars made him (like they did me) want to leave the list.
If anyone wishes to contact him to verify any of this, I'll provide his
email address upon request.

Oh, and by the way, flamewars are one thing, but picking on someone who
can't read the message to defend himself is quite another -- whether or not
you agreed with him...

Rich B.

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Received on Fri Nov 08 2002 - 13:59:01 GMT

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