Preserving Newspaper.

From: Zane H. Healy <>
Date: Mon Nov 11 01:09:00 2002

R. D. Davis wrote:
>Does anyone know why there's such little emphasis on permanance in the
>computer industry? ... an industry which often resembles a bunch of
>chickens running around with their heads cut off.

Simple, it's a throwaway industry. The bulk of people in the industry
don't think of preservation, and those of us that do are considered
'wierd'. One exception I've seen is photography.

| Zane H. Healy                    | UNIX Systems Administrator |
| (primary)    | OpenVMS Enthusiast         |
|                                  | Classic Computer Collector |
|     Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing,    |
|          PDP-10 Emulation and Zane's Computer Museum.         |
|                     |
Received on Mon Nov 11 2002 - 01:09:00 GMT

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