At 04:54 PM 11/13/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>anyone know what machine this panel comes from?
>The seller claims it's a PDP-11 but I don't see enough bits.
>Possibly a PDP-8 or educational unit? I've never seen the
>lights along the side - on an '11..
Here is one of the many responses when I asked a similar question.
>Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 10:17:41 -0800
>From: "Zane H. Healy" <>
>Subject: DEC Microprocessor Series (was: What is this?)
> >Would someone please tell me what this is and what it was used for? From the
> >picture, it seems to be more 8 bit oriented than 16 bit.
> >
> >
> >From the 1974 "MPS Microprocessor Series User's Handbook":
>"1.1 Introduction
>Digital Equipment Corporation's Microprocessor Series (MPS) consists of a
>group of four M series modules and an optional operators control panel,
>designed to efficiently perform a range of process control and
>decision-making functions that were previously uneconomic subjects for
>automation. When used together, these modules can from low-cost digital
>control systems that exhibit the characteristics normally attributed to
>more costly minicomputer-based systems. With this capability, systems
>structured from MPS modules can perform the functions of dedicated
>controllers, operate as a Central Processor Unit (CPU) in intellegent
>terminals, perform data aquisition and analysis tasks in the laboratory,
>and automate a host of industrial processes
>General Description
>The Microprocessor Series is listed below by model number and name:
> * M7341 Processor Module
> * M7344-YA 1K Read/Write Memory Module
> * M7344-YB 2K Read/Write Memory Module
> * M7344-YC 4K Read/Write Memory Module
> * M7345 Programmable Read-Only Memory Module
> * M7346 External Event Detection Module
> * KC341 Monitor/Control Panel
>In a systems context, the M7341 Processor Module (PM) acts as the central
>processor unit with the remaining modules performing supporting functions.
>Activity in a given system, then, is directed by a unique stored program
>contained in a read/write and/or a programmable read-only memory and
>executed by the PM. A major factor in the structuring of an MPS system for
>a specific application is the development of this unique system program by
>the user. To support user development of application software, Digital
>provides the Microprocessor Series Software Tools (MPSST) package that
>includes the following routines:
> * Microprocessor Langauge Editor (MLE)
> * Microprocessor Langauge Assembler (MLA)
> * Microprocessor Read-Only Memory Programmer (MRP)
> * Microprocessor Host Loader (MHL)
> * Microprocessor Debugging Program (MDP)
> * Master Tape Duplicator (MTD)
>In addition, the Microprocessor Program Loader (MPL) is available to users
>of the optional KC341 Monitor Control Panel."
>In looking further at the handbook it appears that the MPSST package is run
>on a PDP-8/e, /f or /m and is papertape based. The MRP expects a MR873
>PROM writer to be used in conjunction with the PDP-8.
>Looks like an interesting device, to bad the one on ebay is just the front
> Zane
>| Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Administrator |
>| (primary) | OpenVMS Enthusiast |
>| | Classic Computer Collector |
>| Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing, |
>| PDP-10 Emulation and Zane's Computer Museum. |
>| |
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Received on Wed Nov 13 2002 - 16:12:00 GMT