I have rescued the following Commodore Amiga items on
their way to the dumpster. The whole lot is available
for free to a good home if you pay for the shipping
(or pick them up in Albuquerque). If you are
interested, please contact me at
cfnelson_87111_at_yahoo.com. Note that I have never used
an Amiga and thus do not have any information beyond
what is printed on the disks and manuals. I also do
not know if the disks any good; they have no visible
signs of damage.
- disks and manuals
Amiga operating system
Workbench 2.1
ProWrite (New Horizons Software) word processor,
version 3.0
ProScript (New Horizons Software) PostScript utility,
version 1.0
Professional Calc (Gold Disk), 1.00 and 1.02 update
Deluxe Paint III (Electronic Arts)
Deluxe Paint IV (Electronic Arts)
Amiga TCP/IP, AS225 2 copies
X Window System (GfxBase), 4.x
GDA-1 (GfxBase), Graphics Display Adapter 1, 1.0
VideoScape 3D (Aegis) solid 3-D animation and
rendering, 2.0
includes bonus Pro/Motion (Aegis), 1.0b
Draw 2000 (Aegis) desktop CADD
UltraDesign! (Progressive Peripherals & Software) CADD
software, 1.0 and 1.1
AmigaTeX and METAFONT (Radical Eye Software)
lots of disks for different versions
Quarterback (Central Coast Software) hard disk backup,
- disks only (no manuals)
ARexx (William S.Hawes), 1.10
AC/FORTRAN (absoft)
TxEd Plus V2.01 (Microsmiths)
Amiga Workbench 1.3
UEDIT (Rick Stiles)
Professional Page (Gold Disk), 1.1
A-Max IV (ReadySoft) Mac emulator
- manuals only (no disks)
flickerFixer, Owner's Manual (MicroWay), advanced
graphics adapter for A2000
Presentation Master (Oxxi)
Superbase 4 (Precision Software)
- database and text editor
- form designer and programming language
- applications guide
- hardware manuals and software (no hardware)
Amiga 2088 Bridgeboard, for A2000/IBM-PC XT
GVP Series II 68030 Accelerator Board for Amiga 2000
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Received on Fri Nov 15 2002 - 20:35:18 GMT