65C51 Stock?

From: per_at_tdsi.co.uk <(per_at_tdsi.co.uk)>
Date: Fri Nov 15 20:35:45 2002

Hello Ross,
                The 65C51 seems to have gone obsolete and I'm looking for stock of the
Rockwell 65C51, or equivalent. I saw your name mentioned in a reference on
the 'net about supply of 65xx series IC's and wondered if you've got any
contacts who might have 65C51's available. I've made other enquiries
through the trade, but they are all a bit hit-and-miss and I thought you
might know what the present situation is with these devices.

                Peter Rudland, TDSi, Poole, Dorset, UK
Received on Fri Nov 15 2002 - 20:35:45 GMT

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