Hi folks,
Hurrah for moderated mailing lists - I hope. This may be a brief visit but
since I got broadband at home it's not so much of an issue now.
Anyway, in June '00 Hans (if he's still here) posted questions about the
Semi-Tech Pied Piper and at the time I knew where there were some but hadn't
had a chance to go get 'em. Mark Gregory also had questions since he had one
but no docs.
In the last few weeks I've been able to pick them up and was most impressed
to find that one of them was an original prototype with a serial number of
38. At this point we won't go into the fact the keyboard connector is
missing a post - it has 23 instead of 24 which causes some strange but
expected issues when the keyboard is plugged in wrongly.
I'm now in a position to answer PP related questions since I've a) got the
technical manuals, b) spent a bit of time making 1 good machine (the
prototype) out of 2 bad ones and c) got a bundle of disks I can hopefully
make images out of if my PC's 5 1/4" drive is working.
Sellam wanted pictures (nothing like being over 2 years late) so go to
www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk, hit 'inhabitants' and go to the STM section.
www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk - the online computer museum
www.snakebiteandblack.co.uk - monthly gothic shenanigans
Received on Wed Nov 20 2002 - 12:21:31 GMT