At 10:27 AM 11/17/02 -0500, you wrote:
>ben franchuk wrote:
>>PS. Can anybody a 2 3/4 x 3 3/4 inch single sided PCB board
>>from a PDF layout for a resonable price? I would like to upgrade
>>( read use new ) capacitors in a vintage amp and can't do the
>>pcb upgrade here.
>I havn't tried either, but here's a couple of cheap PCB manufacturers you
>might like to look at (they'll do single digit quantities):
Wow, that is really pretty cheap for what they seem to be offering.
Board Size in Square Inches: 0-9 10-19 20-29 30-44 45-64 65-108
LOT QTY = $ per batch of boards
2 $80 $90 $105 $120 $145 $175
4 $92 $115 $137 $160 $182 $205
6 $108 $123 $146 $173 $199 $230
20 $220 $240 $268 $295 $323 $350
Above cut and pasted from first link, qty 20 up to like a 3x3 board is $11
each. Makes me itch to do some project.
Received on Wed Nov 20 2002 - 17:00:01 GMT