Zilog System 8000 Model 31 available in Australia

From: Dwight K. Elvey <dwightk.elvey_at_amd.com>
Date: Thu Nov 21 19:47:00 2002

>From: "Eric Smith" <eric_at_brouhaha.com>
>> I guess with Big Brother Intel the best processor designs
>> like the 6809 and the PDP-11 are the odd ones.
>Intel's had their share of odd processors as well, such
>as the 8035 and 8051. The 8089 as well, though it's not a
>general-purpose processor.
>For that matter, the original Pentium is odd, though not all
>later ones are.

Ok, how about the 8022 or even the i2920.
Received on Thu Nov 21 2002 - 19:47:00 GMT

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