I finally got around to reassembling the MicroVAX II (BA123) Wednesday. It
had been completely dismantled since just before the 'dumpster incident',
so I was certainly ready for it to go back together. Talk about nasty
though...I dunno what that dust inside it was made of, but it was a really
sticky, brown dust that was very difficult to remove. I initially figured
it might take 3-4 hours to clean and reassemble the system, but ended up
spending roughly 14 hours on it. I still need to do the cosmetic cleaning
It seems to power up ok. I was a little worried about one of the two main
power supply sections, as it was a little under-voltage at first, but once
I put a substantial load on it, it held steady at a normal voltage level.
Once I get my scope probes, I'll see what the output looks like too.
Everything except the 3 hard drives and the TK50 appear to be original to
the system. The TK50 was changed out 1990, and was tested as good in 1993.
Out of the the 3 RD53 drives one sounds quite happy, one sounds "ok", and
the other sounds like it is quite sick. Two of those drives have been
serviced in the past, and the dates on them point to 1992 or so.
The original CPU bulkhead/console board needs some repair work before I
can reinstall it. The NiCad battery pack on the back of the board leaked,
and corroded up part of the board and metal frame. It does appear to be
100% repairable though. Of course, I'll have to replace the battery pack.
For now, I installed a spare CPU bulkhead that I have that came with a
The RX50 drive also needs some repair work. The system was handled very
roughly before I got it (during transport from the system's original
location), and they managed to damage a number of minor things, including
the RX50. One of the disk shutters is broken off, though I have it stored
someplace. I'd like to find another nonfunctional or damaged RX50 to use
as a parts donor. Failing that, I'll try my hand at repairing the broken
plastic bits, but that won't be an easy task, since the breaks are at the
pivot points. I think just the disk clamp part is broken, but I won't know
for sure till I find where I put the shutter.
I had been thinking the system was made in 1983, but I had it confused
with the SGI IRIS 1400. This VAX was made in 1986, and is in pretty good
condition all things considered. I believe it was last in service in 1996.
At one point yesterday, after I installed the replacement bulkhead, I
could get the system to go though its diagnostics and end at '3' on the
numerical readout, which was the expected behavior. Later that evening, I
tried powering it up again, at which point it hung at '9', and wouldn't
progress any further. I went ahead and made up a console cable with the
pinout found at [
but the system still hangs at '9'. Anyone know what might be happening? Of
course, I double checked the power supply voltages, which were ok, as well
as reseated boards/connectors, but still no go.
I'm also still looking for some parts for the system if anyone happens to
have some of this stuff and wants to pass it on to a good home. One of the
drive status/control panel bulkheads for the operator's panel is missing,
so I'd like to replace that. The door that covers the operator's panel is
also gone, which was likely knocked off when the system was transported
before I got it. I'd also like to find a pair of M7609 memory boards for
the KA630. Right now it has a 4MB card fitted, but I think it might be a
happier VAX with a little more memory. The fan for the card cage also
needs to be replaced. It looks to be original, and its bearings are *very*
worn. Surprisingly, the fan still works :)
Received on Fri Nov 22 2002 - 09:14:00 GMT