Old computers

From: Eric Smith <eric_at_brouhaha.com>
Date: Fri Nov 22 20:20:00 2002

> Does anyone have an address and some contacts at the computer
> museum
> that NASA's Ames Research centre in California is putting together?

What you're thinking of is the Computer History Museum,

NASA Ames isn't putting it together. They've just made space availble
(which is darned nice of them). They also just bought a new building
at 1401 Shoreline Blvd. in Mountain View, which will be their main
headquarters and exhibit facility.

> Dec PDP 11/34, two RK06 drives (was working when retired). Drives are,
> of course, the big washing machine ones. 11/34 is in an "executive"
> rack.
> Dec PDP ll/23, two RL02 drives, in usual tall rack. Broken pin in

"Washing machine" drives would be RP06, or other RP0x or RM0x drives.
RK06 drives are rackmount drives that take cartridges. They're more
like the RL02 than a washing machine.

> Since I am in Ottawa, California might be a long way to transport the
> stuff but since some of it seems rare now

I doubt that they're going to want to pay to ship PDP-11s from Ottawa;
PDP-11s aren't at all rare and they already have quite a few. But it's
worth asking.

Received on Fri Nov 22 2002 - 20:20:00 GMT

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