>Does anyone have information on this keyboard? It seems like the RCA
>model is being dumped by Circuit City, but It doesn't appear MS is
>closing down the service... Any hardware info on the keyboard would
>be appreciated!
I have one of these... came from a Sony branded WebTV unit I got at a
garage sale. I use the keyboard with my DishNetwork satallite decoder
(their Dish Player 7000 model... their original PVR model... it has a
webTV unit built in along with the ability to pause and record TV... and
no, I don't use the webTV features... I wanted the keyboard to make my
life easier in spelling out TV shows I was searching for, so when I saw a
webTV for sale for $5 I grabbed it).
Since I think my decoder is made by JVC, that should tell you that at
least all the webTV keyboards are cross compatible and not manufacturer
or model specific.
Beyond that tiny tidbit of info, I can't help much more until monday. I
don't have a little screwdriver at home right now that can open it up to
see if there is any better info inside.
Received on Fri Nov 22 2002 - 23:39:01 GMT