On Saturday, November 23, 2002, Will Jennings wrote:
> > some time ago a museum allegedly building in Colorado approached me
> > about taking away some old machines I have...
> I just want to take the time to make it clear that I am NOT, repeat, NOT
> the person in Colorado with the museum building that he is speaking of...
I believe that the person you seek is:
David Charles <davidc_at_trailingedge.org>
Colorado Computer Museum
I am storing a VAX-11/730 system for them on a I-can-play-with-it basis. The
original agreement was that the museum would come pick it up after a while.
However, I haven't heard from Mr. Charles in over a year. I don't know if
his operation is still in operation, and the web site hasn't been updated
since 1999. :-/
Jeffrey Sharp
Received on Sat Nov 23 2002 - 07:18:00 GMT