Index register pop quiz

From: Hans B Pufal <>
Date: Sat Nov 23 08:56:00 2002

Vintage Computer Festival wrote:

> 1. Who invented the Index Register and about when?
> 3. What was it originally called?
> 4. What computer first used one?

> A:
> 1. The British invented in in about 1957 or 58.

> 2. It was originally called the "B-Box" for "Bias Box".

> 3. I believe it was first used in the Ferranti Atlas computer.

A little earlier. The Manchesetr Baby machine first ran in 1948. It had
no B-lines, but they were added before the final Mark I was specified to
Ferranti for commercial production. Ferranti delivered the first Mark I
to Manchester in Feb 1952 a few months ahead of the first Univac
delivery in the US.

B-lines, because the A-line was the Accumulator, the C-lines were
control registers : the sequcnce control reister (PC) and the current

see :

   -- hbp
Received on Sat Nov 23 2002 - 08:56:00 GMT

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