More dumb VAX 11/750 questions
Hi guys,
Finding this list has encouraged me to try and get some stuff together
on my VAX. Sorry for the extra traffic.
Q1. Right now I have a UNIBUS expansion cabinet attached to the primary
11/750 cabinet. I would like to replace it with my TU80 (with a RA82 in
the lower drive bay). Can I just move the UNIBUS cards that I want to
keep to the primary UNIBUS and pull the DW750 from the CPU back plane
and be good? The James Lothian FAQ mentions something about
reconfiguring some jumpers if you install a DW750, so I would probably
need to change them back if I remove it, right?
Q2. Right now I have a DEUNA, UDA50/UDA52 and DHU11 in the primary
UNIBUS with those bus continuity cards installed in the open bus slots.
On the secondary UNIBUS, I have the TU80 controller, another DHU11 and a
DMF32. Can I just pull the bus continuity cards from the primary UNIBUS
and install the TU80 controller and DMF32 in those slots?
Q3. Right now the memory slots have M8750s CJs in both end slots and 6
six National Semiconductor 753 1M boards in between. Does it have to be
this way? I have two spare M8750s. Are there any advantages between
the DEC memory boards and the NS boards?
Q4. I have a floating point option board (L0001) that is supposedly
intermittently bad. Anyone know what kinds of things fail on these
Q5. Should I use or not use some kind of contact cleaner on the board
fingers and the sockets they go in?
Received on Sat Nov 23 2002 - 18:50:19 GMT
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