From: Antonio Carlini <Antonio.Carlini_at_riverstonenet.com>
Date: Sun Nov 24 09:47:01 2002

>I've since pulled all the boards, installed a M7625-AA (KA655) and
>(MS650) 8MB memory card by themselves, and got a chevron prompt. I also
got a memory error and a
>message stating normal startup is not possible. 'show memory' showed
0MB of ram installed. I tried >another 8MB board with the same results.
I also tried 3 different 16MB boards, but the LED display >showed 'F',
and of course, I didn't get a chevron prompt.

You know that the over-the-top connector used on the KA630 and
the KA65x are different? I don't know exactly what failure
you see if you use the KA630 OTP with the KA65x - but you may just
have found out!

It seems odd that a PSU could cause this problem and I'd be surprised
if *all* your memory boards are faulty (I've never found a dead one
even after they'd spent quite a while floating round the lab).

Received on Sun Nov 24 2002 - 09:47:01 GMT

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