On Behalf Of Lawrence Walker
I don't really want to get into a "my dick is bigger than your dick" on
the list, and I'm not about to glorify our politicians but Canada
presently has the best economic performance of any of the
industrialized countries according to most all economic observers.
Quality of life is the indicator that really matters to the most of us,
and we are rated #3 as opposed to the US's #13. If you average most
individual persons income to Bill Gates' we are all fabulously weathy,
and I could live like a king in the majority of countries on $38000.
Exchange rates are more or less meaningless indicators unless you
are buying or selling foreign goods. The US$ rate is quite nice when I
sell on EPay. That also makes our products attractive to US markets
and helps keep our dollars at home.
Every Canadian retiree is guarenteed an inflation-indexed pension of
about $980 a month. With my additional pension I do just fine.
Congratulations on how well you've done in acquiring such a lucrative
pension. That would put you over $10,000 a month before even taking
into account the effects of averaging.
Yes we do have our "wonderful socialized health care", like virtually
all modern industrialized states, and unlike in the US where the
"health business" managed to do a head job on the people about the
dangers of "socialized" medical services. If there was a buck in it,
social welfare would also be "privatized".
The majority of canadians cherish their right to medical services,
unhindered by financial circumstances, and woe be to any politician
who would dare suggest curtailing it, despite the propaganda and
bladishments inundating us from a laviscious US health industry,
greedily eyeing this virgin market.
Your own critics like Michael Harrington in "The New American
Poverty" or Studs Turkel do a much better job than I, so I won't
counterpose my own version of "what-in-hell are they doin' down
there ?"
I posted the message because I found it humorous that a high
government official had stated (in private originally) what a good
percentage of the world and most canadians, thinks about Dubya.
Usually they toady to US government sensibilities
Your internal affairs are your(US) own business but when it impinges
on my well-being, like the current affair with Iraq (It's about oil, Jack),
then Dubya's fair game. We've already had bodybags come back
from Afghanistan. I don't want to see more when it's just a matter
of "Big Oil" excercising US muscles for control of world oil resources.
Now back to our usual computer flames.
> Careful now, a quick visit to the Canadian Government website shows the
> following, (1) 7.6% unemployment (2) 3.2% inflation (3) Average family
> income of 38,000 after taxes (4) Exchange rate of 1.56690 to one, in
> our favor (5) Average retirement pension that is less than 10% of what
> mine will be,
> and of course that wonderful socialized health care.
> Doesn't seem that you are in any position to criticize George W or our
> Government until yours gets its act together.
> Rich
> loedman1_at_juno.com
> Subject: OT Bush and Canada
> > As a Canadian, I must explain to our US neighbors that the press
> misunderstood the Canadian official at the Prague meetings who was
> reported as saying "What a moron" in reference to George Dubya.
> > In some circles up here there is a slang phrase of approval meaning
> "more on top of it", hipper. I'm sure that's what he meant. And of
> course Dick Cheyny is also a veritable moron, (in Can. slang terms , of
> course).
> > Lawrence
> lgwalker_at_mts.net
> bigwalk_ca_at_yahoo.com
Received on Mon Nov 25 2002 - 01:42:01 GMT
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