There is just a sensor, its an array of photodiodes.
I think I have a few floating around the workshop.
Glen Slick wrote:
> I was hoping there might be some sort of preassembled optical sensor
> array available with the right spacing for paper tape holes, but maybe
> that is hoping for too much. If you build one with discrete sensors,
> is it easy to find ones that are narrow enough to stack side to side
> with the correct spacing?
>> Hi
>> Ahh, such concepts as make one come to mind. You could
>> scrap a number of mice for the optical sensors ( two for
>> each axis, 4 total per mouse ) or you could buy photo
>> transistors from Jameco. In a pinch, the clear lensed
>> LED's make reasonable detectors.
>> Use a little imagination.
>> Dwight
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Received on Tue Nov 26 2002 - 20:39:01 GMT