Tony Duell wrote:
>> I know Mr. Duell may not like my suggestion... but why not just find
>> yourself an IBM PS/2 'clicky' keyboard and use that, plugged into
>> the PS/2
> The only reason I would dislike that suggestion is that it's one less
> keyboard for me ;-). I _love_ those keyboards -- I am typing on one at
> the moment.
I've been using a Dell keyboard that acts like it's full of microswitches -
very nice.
At the moment I'm using a BTC (Taiwanese) keyboard with a gap between the
T-Y, G-H and B-N key pairs. Oh, and it's got a Synaptics Touchpad fitted.
Nice keyboard, but it's a bit too, er... QUIET!
I want an IBM PS/2 full-of-microswitches really-clicky real-dream-to-use
keyboard!!! Anyone feel like parting with one? At this point I don't even
give a damn if I have to pull the thing apart and fix it myself - I want a
clicky keyboard :-) :-)
Received on Wed Nov 27 2002 - 16:24:01 GMT