I have the development kit for this, and it's very
complete (and for free, darned good).
At work we actually looked at this machine as a data
collection tool. For the money, it is a very good
--- "J.C.Wren" <jcwren_at_jcwren.com> wrote:
> There is a fairly active community of Cybiko
> developers. It's a popular
> platform because it's got a keyboard, LCD, AVR
> controller, Hitachi H8S main
> CPU, 512K FLASH, 512K 'disk' (RAM), 1.5MB of memory,
> USB port, etc.
> Cybiko has, IIRC, been very cooperative in
> providing information. They also
> have their own developers kit that is either free,
> or very cheap.
> You can find this on eBay really cheap.
> --John
> On Friday 29 November 2002 02:13, Philip Pemberton
> wrote:
> > John Honniball wrote:
> > > I have a gadget called a Cybiko, which is a
> handheld computer
> > > designed for teenagers to run games on and chat
> via a wireless
> > > link. It has a serial port, there's a terminal
> emulator for it,
> > > and there's also a Linux-based development kit
> for it.
> >
> > I thought the devkit was Win32 based?
> >
> > > You can get them in a variety of fashionable
> colours! :-)
> >
> > I've also noticed that the O2 store in Leeds (West
> Yorkshire, England) has
> > them for GBP 20. Or at least they did when I went
> in to try and get my
> > mobile phone "topped up".
> >
> > Now I know what I'm going to buy next - a pair of
> Cybikos :-)
> >
> > Later.
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