Early 3.5" diskettes (was: Sony Microfloppies question

From: Wayne M. Smith <wmsmith_at_earthlink.net>
Date: Sat Nov 30 00:34:01 2002

> On Fri, 29 Nov 2002, Wayne M. Smith wrote:
> > So, my question is, does anyone know anything about this apparent design
> > evolution, and is there anything about the Sony springless design that would
> > prevent me from using Teledisk?
> NO.
> The shutter type, unless it physically prevents you from putting the disk
> into the drive has no effect on reading nor writing. You should look at
> the multitudinous other reasons why Teledisk can't handle it, specifically
> things such as Teledisk (SOFTWARE) can not possibly read anything that is
> single density (FM), GCR, or with other physical incompatibilities.
Well, the manual shutter type could prevent a very clueless user from using
Teledisk if said user didn't recognize that the shutter was manual and stuck the
disk in the drive without opening it first.

But, as it turned out, my real problem was that Teledisk, as it turns out,
doesn't work with XP (or Win2000 for that matter). When I switched to a Win98
machine it read the disk without any problems (once I remembered to manually
open the shutter, that is).

Thanks for the help.

Received on Sat Nov 30 2002 - 00:34:01 GMT

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