Microprofessr MPF-1 Manuals?

From: Glen Slick <glenslick_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Sat Nov 30 15:42:01 2002

Does anyone have manuals for the MultiTech Microprofessor MPF-1B? This is a
Z-80 single board computer with a keypad and six 7-segment LEDs for the
display. I picked one up as my first Z-80 system to mess around with. I
dumped the EPROM image and have started to unassemble it, but of course it
would be quicker to just read the monitor source if someone has a copy of
the monitor listing manual. I suppose I would learn more figuring out how
it works on my on than by reading the manuals.

I did some web searching and couldn't find manuals anywhere, but apparently
these are still being made today by a UK company that acquired the rights to
the design.


Actually what I really have is an E&L Insturments FOX MT-80Z which is a
MPF-1B grafted to an expansion board with a prototype area. I can't find
any docs on the web for those either.

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Received on Sat Nov 30 2002 - 15:42:01 GMT

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