On Nov 30, 10:34, Ethan Dicks wrote:
> 10 years ago, I was doing Usenet and email through my Amiga (with two
> ST225s and a PC-XT disk controller!) with UUCP. I couldn't do ftp
> and telnet and cool stuff like that, but I could at least get a few
> newsgroups like comp.sources.amiga and rec.humor.funny delivered to my
> door.
> 2400 bps, 20 MB news spool! Those were the days. Not.
Ten years ago, I was still relying on bulletin boards most of the time. I
well remember using the dialup provided by Lancaster University (what was
HENSA and is now the UK Mirror service), and realising that some
distribution I needed was going to take several hours to download.
Luckily, I had a friend at York who could use FTP over a JANET link :-)
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
Received on Sat Nov 30 2002 - 16:29:00 GMT