----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Dittman" <dittman_at_dittman.net>
To: <cctalk_at_classiccmp.org>
Sent: Saturday, November 30, 2002 9:12 PM
Subject: Re: DSSI cable needed
> > Don't know much about DSSI. Know less about the cabling. Just
> > curious, mostly.
> I know of three types of DSSI connectors: 50-pin Honda, 50-pin
> microribbon, and 68-pin Honda. I've only seen the 68-pin ones
> on HSDxx controllers, and they've always been accompanied by a
> triconnector to convert to 50-pin microribbon.
I googled onto an interesting PDF while looking for info in the R400X, it
includes (among other things) DSSI cable part numbers and an index of what
connector fits what boxen. Take a look at
http://h18000.www1.hp.com/products/quickspecs/SOC/QB00SFPF.PDF. It purports
to cover OpenVMS LAN clustering, but it's pretty broad in scope.
> One problem with trying to use SCSI cables is the latching
> mechanism is backwards.
As long as it doesn't fall right off, it should be ok-- those BA440 chassis
aren't prone to rollong around on their own. Shoot, sometimes it takes more
than a little push to get 'em moving at all!
> --
> Eric Dittman
Received on Sat Nov 30 2002 - 20:41:00 GMT