new list member..

From: Dwight K. Elvey <>
Date: Tue Oct 1 20:22:01 2002

>From: Joe <>
>At 12:28 PM 10/1/02 +0200, JD wrote:
>>Hi Everyone
>>I am new to this mailing list & thought a quick few lines as introductory
would be ok.
>>I'm a 23yo South African male Systems Developer (Read: microsoft monkey).
>>Recently I acquired a lot of old computer systems and since then I have been
collecting everything I can find that pre dates the general PC era.
>>I will post a URL with a complete listing of all my current goods but here's a
few I thought i'd mention seeing as there is very little about these on the
>>Intel Prompt 80, MDS-800 & ICE.
> Cool! which ICE unit do you have? I have an Intel MDS-800 with ICE-80, an
Intel MDS-888 with an ICE-80, an Intel MDS-235 with hard drive with iCE-85 and
ICE-86 and an Intel 320 system. I'm also storing another MDS-225 for a friend of
mine. Dwight Elvey and Dave Mabry are also on this list and both have Intel
systems and we all use them regularly.
> I also have various atari/commodore/hp/epson/sharp/ncr computers & handhelds.
>>As far as i know i have one of the only few surviving Multitech
Microproffessor II (MPR II) machines which is a slightly modified clone of the
original apple 2 & apparently the first apple clone to be shipped out of taiwan.
>>Back to the intel stuff, who can help me learn to use the MDS & Prompt 80
machines? Programming on a IC level has always been something I've been wanting
to get into but alas no newbie resources are readily availible.. is the Prompt
80 ok for this purpose?
> A prompt 80? I've never seen one. I've seen a few Prompt 48s but never
managed to buy one. I assume that it's for the 8080 CPU.? I suspect the Prompt

 Prompt48 is for the 8048/49/35 parts. I don't have one of
these but I do have a Prompt 2920.

 80 wil be fine, especailly when used with the MDS-800 and ICE-80.
> Joe (located in central Florida)
Received on Tue Oct 01 2002 - 20:22:01 BST

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