Computer Garage - "Garage Sale"

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Tue Oct 1 22:58:01 2002

--- James Willing <> wrote:
> So... in an attempt to free up some much needed $$ and keep the lights
> on, (and maybe even get to VCF) I'm having a "Garage Sale"...

Foo! Missed the high-speed punch/reader card. Been looking for one
for a while. I have one punch/reader on an 11/34, another on a
PDP-8/L (one PC04, one PC05; forget which one goes where at the
moment). It would be very handy to have an OMNIBUS board to debug
my -8/e.

Sigh. That's the second one I've heard of too late recently.


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Received on Tue Oct 01 2002 - 22:58:01 BST

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