As long as we are all confessing...
I actually shoved my beloved DEC Graphic PDP11/40 off the back of a
truck, then saw it crunched by
a massive electromagent hanging from a crane at the scrap yard.
It smashed that 11/40 flat in a heartbeat. At least I'd saved most of
its guts, and the 11/35 'spare' CPU chassis (now Tom Uban's) and VT-11
I was closing down a business venture, and had no place to store the
machine. I still had a 11/34 at the time, so
the massive and hungry 11/40 system simply had to go.
Christopher McNabb wrote:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Glen Slick" <>
>>kept all of the parts and the articles until I returned home from college
>>and then, gasp, threw them out. I really wish I still had them now so I
>>could build the Elf that I never finished. I guess I should just acquire
>>some 1802 chips and finish the job now.
>>I also regret trading in the KIM-1 along with a 8KB ram board and a SWTP
>>terminal that I built from a kit a year or two later for credit toward an
>>Apple II+ when they were brand new.
>I once bought a complete, working Imsai 8008 at a pawn shop for fifty bucks.
>This would have been about 1987, and the deal included the computer, a
>terminal, and a dual 8" floppy drive. I used it for a couple of years until
>I got out of the navy. Deciding that it was too heavy to truck across the
>country, I gave it away. I really wish I hadn't done that, since I later
>found out that the guy I gave it to sold it to a scrapper for about 5
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