Jim -
I couldn't reach your web site to get your address. Could you drop me a
note with it so I can get the bucks out to you?
-- Tony
At 05:08 PM 10/1/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>Greetings all;
>Finances suck at present, and to be honest I don't know if I'm going to be
>able to make VCF this year. (foo)
>So... in an attempt to free up some much needed $$ and keep the lights on,
>(and maybe even get to VCF) I'm having a "Garage Sale". (appropriate,
>The offering list and details can be found at:
> http://www.rdrop.com/~jimw/Gsale
>Any questions, drop me a note.
>The Computer Garage - http://www.rdrop.com/~jimw
Received on Wed Oct 02 2002 - 10:20:00 BST