10 years

From: William Donzelli <aw288_at_osfn.org>
Date: Wed Oct 2 22:56:00 2002

> The whole point of the 10 year limit was to to prevent the
> "Latest Golly-Gee Wizzbang computer from Netsoft-3456 cpu"
> from taking up readers bandwith with topics like "Why autostart
> programs don't work, if the powerbar is in the OFF position."
> A classic computer is a CLASSIC computer regardless of age
> as all computers were new sometime. While I like "front panel"
> beasts I like to know what is out there rather than the classic
> PC clone of today that may be worth keeping in the future.

It was a reference to the whole "gettin' old" phase one
goes thru from time to time. Sometimes 1992 seems like yesterday.

To add to my thoughts, it certainly does not seem like the list has been
around for so long. It feels like I jumped on just a little bit ago. What
has it been? Three years? Four years? Five? Maybe I ought to go chill out
with a beverage. I am getting old.

William Donzelli
Received on Wed Oct 02 2002 - 22:56:00 BST

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