Request from Intel's Museum
On Fri, 4 Oct 2002, Lawrence Walker wrote:
> Well no matter what we may think about the Intel behemoth now, one can't
> deny Moore's accomplishments. From his time with Shockley, the Fairchild
> start-up by Shockleys "the traitorist eight", and then founding Intel with
> Noyce and Graves.
> What I was surprised at, was the date of the "Electronics" issue. I didn't
> know they went back that far. I have about 20 issues from 80 and 83 including
> the massive April 80 'Special Commemortive Issue". I value them for
> resources more than my 80-83 Bytes.
> Talk about elitist !
> "Subscriptions limited to professional persons with active responsability in
> electronics technology. No subscriptions accepted without complete
> identification of subscriber name, title or job function, company or
> organization, and product manufactured or services performed. Based on
> information supplied, the publishers reserve the right to reject non-qualified
> requests."
> Makes me wonder if I could be prosecuted just for having them. :^)
Actually they just said that to make their advertisers happy. I had a
subscripion when I was ~15 (a _long_ _long_ time ago)
Received on Fri Oct 04 2002 - 10:30:01 BST
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