Excelan EXOS 8000S ?

From: Fred N. van Kempen <Fred.van.Kempen_at_microwalt.nl>
Date: Fri Oct 4 18:21:00 2002

Hi all !

While reading in the *pile* of magtapes (on my left side; rightside
for the viewers ;-) I found a tape which doesn't look very familiar
to me:

                EXOS 8000-0101S
                FOR OEM DEVELOPMENT
        PN: 4408000-0101S REL: 3.3Zv7

It has three more labels, all of which warn about it's contents being
proprietary, confidential, yadda yadda. The usual :)

Question: what is this? Does anyone know, or remember, what the EXOS
8000S was? The contents (2.3MB or so) look like a UNIX dist of some
kind, with UNIX shell scripts for installation... the rest is probably
a compressed file with the sources.

Any ideas?

        TapeMa$ter Fred
Received on Fri Oct 04 2002 - 18:21:00 BST

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