Scope Choice for Vintage Computer Troubleshooting

From: Loboyko Steve <>
Date: Mon Oct 7 18:11:01 2002

FWIW, I sold this model on eBay last year for $80.00
or thereabouts, with good (replaced) batteries. I
liked it very much and was the original owner. I used
it in field service (just simple stuff) but I don't
move around anymore so I got a Tek 464 (harder to get
parts for than a 465, but really better with analog
storage). The DM44 (meter) option is nice if you don't
have a frequency counter, BTW. It was an option on the
465 also.

There is a Yahoo newsgroup for Tek scope restoration;
they formerly discussed only tube models but now
transistors are OK.

--- Joe <> wrote:
> At 10:24 AM 10/7/02 -0700, you wrote:
> >> > All LCD scopes are junk compared to a good
> tube
> >> > scope. > LCDs scopes are a compromise. The
> >
> >For working on vintage computers, should you use a
> vintage scope?
> >
> >
> >Can somebody advise me how much to charge for an
> NLS (they later became
> >Kaypro) model 215 (dual trace 15 MHz) portable
> scope? The batteries are
> >beyond redemption.
> Is that the little tiny scope that NLS made with
> the screen that's about 1" across? I have one and
> it's usefull for some things such as checking for
> the presense of a signal but the screen is too small
> for a lot of uses. Therefore I wouldn't recommend it
> for someone's only or first scope.
> You should be able to remove the battteries and
> replace them without too much trouble. I replaced
> the batteries in mine about 15 -18 years ago. Yes,
> they're still good. That's why I insist on the
> Japanese made Sanyo batteries!
> Joe

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Received on Mon Oct 07 2002 - 18:11:01 BST

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