Free IBM System 36 in NJ

From: John Allain <>
Date: Wed Oct 9 19:23:01 2002


  I just got rights to rescue this system from eBay.
  It's free from me to anybody on the list that wants it.
  Location: Tom's River, New Jersey.
  Here's a photo and the owner's text on it:
     (Pictured: System unit, HIC tape drive, IBM terminal,
           desktop printer)

"Working IBM System 36 computer. The system was in every
day use until August of 2002.
  CPU is the Model 5362, known as the Baby 36;
  Memory = 256K;
  Disk Space = 90 M-Bytes;
  Terminal = I/O Model 2576
     with a parallel port for printer attachment;
  External Tape Drive;
  Printer = Epson LQ-2550 Wide Carriage
     equipped with a Twin Ax connector for use with this system.

It is loaded with a fully operational operating system -
SSP Software: DFU, SDA, RPGII. The CPU is the size of a
two drawer file cabinet."

John A.
Received on Wed Oct 09 2002 - 19:23:01 BST

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