History Channel - The Internet: Behind the Web

From: Tom Uban <uban_at_ubanproductions.com>
Date: Thu Oct 10 11:11:00 2002

At 11:55 AM 10/10/2002 -0400, Bob Shannon wrote:
>This show had the most footage of Imlac's I've ever seen. A really great

There was actual footage of Imlacs? I would really like to see that... What did
it show? Any chance someone recorded this and I can get a copy of the section
on Imlacs? I checked the History Channel web page for show times and it did
not list and future showings of this episode.


>David A. Woyciesjes wrote:
>> Just curious... did anybody else watch the History Channel last
>>night, 7:00PM Eastern Time. The Modern Marvels episode was about the
>>creation of the internet. Rather fascinating to me (who learned some
>>things), and kinda neat to put faces to names...
>> Not to mention the pictures of the old, err, classic computers and
Received on Thu Oct 10 2002 - 11:11:00 BST

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