History Channel - The Internet: Behind the Web

From: Derek Peschel <dpeschel_at_eskimo.com>
Date: Thu Oct 10 12:03:00 2002

On Thu, Oct 10, 2002 at 06:49:20PM +0200, Fred N. van Kempen wrote:
> Werent they built by BBN, and based on PDP-11(/23's) with the
> Fuzzball software load image?

No, those units were the Fuzzballs. (I think the hardware name
inspired the softtware.) The IMPs were Honeywell minicomputers --
DDP-516s according to this site:


(I searched for IMP ~ Honeywell ~ Internet and that was the first
useful result.) You are right about BBN. There's something else
called a TIP (Terminal Interface Processor) but I don't know the
difference. It lent its name to the "tip" command in UNIX.

-- Derek
Received on Thu Oct 10 2002 - 12:03:00 BST

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