History Channel - The Internet: Behind the Web

From: John Allain <allain_at_panix.com>
Date: Thu Oct 10 16:50:01 2002

> But yes, there are several shots of people using Imlac's,
> probalby playing Mazewar in some shots

Mazewar: is this the Olin Lathrop version?
We had a Totally Excellent copy going at RPI.
AFAIK it was *authored* by Mr. Lathrop.
We had it served up on a Pr1me 750.

> None of the shots showed the optional programmers console,
> but perhaps this was not such a common accessory?

At school we had maybe ~4 with; ~35 without.

> No question, they were Imlacs.

Congratulations Tom and Bob. Wonder how Sellam's Imlac
is doing?

BTW I checked the History channel's site. Nothing on
this show this month after the 9th, so a tape would be useful.

John A.
Received on Thu Oct 10 2002 - 16:50:01 BST

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