Vintage Scopes

From: Philip Pemberton <>
Date: Fri Oct 11 01:50:01 2002

Christopher McNabb wrote:
> Well, after the recent discussion of scopes for vintage computers,
> I've put together a web page with a couple of pictures of two of my
> scopes. One is a Kenwood SM-220 station monitor that I use with the
> Ham Radio stuff. The other is a Tektronix RM-503 dual channel scope
> that I use for troubleshooting the PDP-8/E and perepherals. In the
> photo, it is sitting on top of a currently non-operational Sykes 7200
> Dual 8" Disk drive.
Wow. That Tek is a beauty... Unlike my Tek 466 analog storage scope. I still
need a probe, new storage pouch (the studs are missing from the one on the
scope now) and a front panel cover (big blue plastic thing used to protect
the panel while the scope is in storage). But other than that, it's in great
shape. I got it in a test equipment auction for about 10% normal retail
price (40 GBP). And it works flawlessly. Did I mention I've also got the
service manual? I found it in the storage pouch when I was checking it for
damage after I got it home. It's still in as-new condition.
Dud Tek use any oddball parts in the 466 (besides the CRT) that are now
difficult to get? I'd like to stock up on spares for this thing before it
I've also got a Gould OS1100A, good condition (it works and produces a nice
bright trace), 30MHz, dual trace, delay sweep scope that I'm selling for
GBP100 ONO. Buyer collects or pays shipping. Anyone (preferably in England)
want this thing? After "graduating" to a Tek, I see no reason to keep it.

Received on Fri Oct 11 2002 - 01:50:01 BST

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