[maybe OT]: Removing pesky floppy disk labels

From: Joe <rigdonj_at_cfl.rr.com>
Date: Fri Oct 11 14:31:00 2002

At 07:31 AM 10/11/02 -0700, sellam wrote:
>On Wed, 9 Oct 2002, Philip Pemberton wrote:
>> OK, so here I am sitting at my computer with a stack of 100 or so
>> disks to reformat. Unfortunately most of said disks have been labelled
>> using felt-tip pen. And the labels are the nasty kind that don't come
>> off without a fight. Sooo... Has anyone got a method that will get these
>> stupid things off without leaving a gummy, sticky residue or damaging my
>> disks? I've tried WD40 (didn't work at all), 3-in-1 oil (don't ask), an
>> upside down airblaster (freeze spray for half the price) and a few other
>> things and nothing works!
>Any citrus-based cleaner will generally work. The trick is to leave it
>on long enough for the chemical to soften up the sticky goo long enough to
>make it clot up and roll off with a paper towel or whatnot.

   I've found that it helps if you cover the cleaner with a piece of foil after you apply it to help slow down the evaporation. It also helps if you heat the surface before you apply the cleaner. The cleaner is flammable so don't try to heat it after applying it.

Received on Fri Oct 11 2002 - 14:31:00 BST

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