There is a primative native disassembler for the HP 2100's. Its part of
a cleaver little debug tool called OCTAPUS-C, which you can find a
binary for on Terry's HP-IPL/OS web page, along with some documentation
for it.
Just in case your needing to disassemble something right away...
Jay West wrote:
>I have been looking for inverse assembler modules for my HP logic analyzer
>for some time, to no avail. Any chance I might be able to snag a copy of the
>Inverse Assembler toolkit? I'd dearly love to write up a module for the 2100
>and/or 21MX....
>Jay West
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Jim Kearney" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2002 12:33 PM
>Subject: HP LA Inverse Assemblers for classic microprocessors
>>I've been playing around with the Inverse Assembler toolkit for HP logic
>>analyzers after Joe Rigdon asked me some questions about them recently.
>>It's a neat capability; you write them in a simple language that gets
>>compiled to some kind of intermediate code, and that is interpretable on
>>just about any analyzer from the 1630A up.
>>I've written one for the 8008, which I would be happy to make available to
>>anyone interested. I'm wondering if anyone has any others, like the 6502,
>>8080, 6800 etc. Typically I think they came with the matching probe
>>fixtures, but you only have to know what bits to hook for the status word
>>order to use them with the standard probes. There doesn't seem to be an
>>archive on the net for these, aside from a few on Agilent's website.
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