On 10/11/02, Patrick Finnegan scribbled:
> On Fri, 11 Oct 2002, Gary Hildebrand wrote:
> > I have the possibility to pick up the following:
> >
> > Sun 600-2575-06 : 10" square by about 4" tall. Has drive and a whole
> > lot of memory . . . .
> Sounds like an IPX, IPC or LX - I'll have to look at mine to see what
> model # it has on it...
> You can hook up a serial terminal to either (using port "A"), but if
> you're going to do that to the Lunch Box style one, you'll need a DIN-8 to
> DB-25 adaptor. Fortunately, one from a MAC will work just fine. Also,
> don't forget about putting a null modem in line with it.
The SparcStation LX does have a DB-25 serial port on it. It's the
2 port combination version. I hooked mine up to a VT520 using a DEC
H8571-E DB25-MMJ adaptor.
BTW, I just noticed, my VT520 can have up to 4 sessions, but it
has only 3 serial lines. I assume it could use the printer port for the
4th session?
--- David A. Woyciesjes
--- C & IS Support Specialist
--- Yale University Press
--- (203) 432-0953
--- ICQ # - 905818
Received on Tue Oct 15 2002 - 08:36:01 BST