Fw: Sign of the times :(

From: Carlos Murillo <carlos_murillo_at_epm.net.co>
Date: Wed Oct 16 08:12:00 2002

At 01:51 AM 10/16/02 -0700, you wrote:
>Also, http://www.hammerhead.com/, the website associated with the domain
>of the original poster, is a small vfx company local to North Hollywood.
>Since he said that the Onyx was located at an area service provider,
>that will might narrow things down quite a bit. I'm assuming it's at an
>SGI service provider. The main one is SGI of course, but there are some
>others in town.

Provider of what? Some cable and telephone companies own SGI hardware
that they use to run GIS software such as Arcinfo with many layers
of data; it is essential for their maintenance and repair operations.


Carlos E. Murillo-Sanchez carlos_murillo_at_nospammers.ieee.org
Received on Wed Oct 16 2002 - 08:12:00 BST

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